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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The New Journey

The appointment yesterday went very well. We ended up having to wait for quite awhile because the doctor had three residents as well as a visiting doctor from the Congo that he was training. When we finally got asked in, Hayden was just starting to drift off. But, the doctor took the time to explain everything very carefully to Doug and also to the students. We then proceeded with the treatment. We distracted Hayden with a "rain stick" and a bottle of formula and for the first little while he was fine. The underlayer was a cotton stocking-like sock. The doctor had a technique that he had designed to prevent the casts from slipping and that was to wrap the first layer of the cast around the foot and ankle as though you were putting a tensor bandage on. Then the top layer went over everything. Hayden was fine for almost the first complete cast and then started to get a little fussy. He started crying and I suspected that he was tired, so I suggested that I nurse him. Everyone left so I could calm him and he nursed to sleep. They returned and did the second foot. He started to surface a couple of times, but I just shoved the boob back into his mouth and stroked his head. Done. No screaming, no holding him down, no upset baby or mommy. I did the right thing and I am very grateful to my husband for going along with it. Hayden is going to be alright!

By way of an aside, I watched a very strange movie today that made me not hate Colin Farrell quite so much. It was called A Home at the End of the World and was quite possibly the weirdest movie I've seen in a long time. But it was slow moving, melancholy and quite sad and I got teary at the end of it because it ended on a slightly morose tone. Sounds depressing, I know, but Colin Farrell played this complex, yet very simple character (how's that for cryptic?). Anyway, for anyone who is interested it's playing again on Thursday morning from 2:00-3:45 am Pacific Time on MCHRD (Heartland Road). Consult your local listings. P.S. NOT FOR KIDS!!

My teenager just came home and complained that her Drama teacher signed up the Drama class for a hip-hop lesson. Um, pardon me, but wouldn't that be FUN?!? If any of my teachers had dropped that on me, I would have kissed their feet because school was so dull always. I don't get it. Probably never will either.

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