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Monday, January 16, 2006

Man, Are We Half Way Through the Month Already?

So already we are half way through the first month of 2006! Yeek! Time sure flies when you have a small person around.

I saw my chiropractor today and he told me he is moving away to Vancouver Island - nooooooooo! I love this guy! I have been seeing him for 5 years and he has been my longest committed relationship outside of my hubby. I am so sad. But considering I chose him purely based on his photograph in the Yellow Pages and the fact that he was downtown, I guess I can't complain. he has been wonderful though and I will miss him a lot. He's very chatty and will take the time with you and even tell funny anecdotes (and he has one for every topic). Boo. Hiss. However, the guy that is taking over his practice was dressed exactly like him, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Tomorrow we go back to see Dr. Pirani and I am hoping that Hayden's foot will have returned to where it should be. Crossing my fingers!

Hayden has begun to play "peek-a-boo" with me. He puts his blankie over his head and waits for a few minutes until I say "where's baby?" and then he flings his arms forward and grins! I love it and even though I've been through this twice already, I never get tired of it. He has entered the zone of babyhood that I like the best: 6 months to 18 months. Every day there is something brand new and it is so exciting and interesting. I've got another video clip for you of his bigger sister making him laugh, so have a look.

Also, here is a picture of him in his new "Bumbo" seat. He didn't like it right off the bat until I pulled out the toy box and he realized he had easy access! Darned cute, if you ask me.


Anne Coleman said...

I'm lovin' these pictures! He is so so cute-and I'm blogrolling you so others can see too :o)

I hate losing Drs I love. If you were in Michigan I'd send you to Dad-he's a chiro.

Anonymous said...

He is so precious!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie! I can't wait to meet him!
