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Friday, February 15, 2008

Sleep and Teeth

Ah...yes. Two topics I am very well acquainted with. I sleep mostly very poorly and often wonder how I journeyed from a heavy sleeper who could sleep anywhere (seriously, my mother has a photo of me around age 7 or so, fast asleep at a wedding. On the stage. With the band behind me. With my tongue hanging out.), to someone who finds sleep often very elusive. Sure, you allow for the early days of parenting and what they bring. Honestly my son has been my best sleeper, although hubby disagrees, and I've never had to "walk the floor" with him. I should hope I wouldn't have to do it now, since he's two and a half. Having kids disturb my sleep has actually had some benefits for me. For example, I can hear things and wake up instantly now. Like the time my daughter was only three weeks old and the drug-addled street person was trying to get into our house. Or the fire engines putting out the fire across the street from our house (funny, didn't hear the sirens but heard the idling engines!) There are things I wish I didn't hear though, like hubby snoring. THAT, I could definitely do without. And inevitably, it's just as I got up to tend to my son with a nightmare that he begins to snore and I can't get back to sleep and it's like five in the morning.

That brings me to my teeth. I have been a grinder for many years now and have gone through several night guards to try and calm it down. At one point I was well on my way to TMJ. My jaw would crack so loud sometimes that people would jump. Oh, and it hurt too. After some very excruciating visits to a massage therapist, who did this pressure thing inside my mouth (that hurt so bad I wanted to cry), I have had no more troubles in that area. But the grinding persisted. Often the grinding gets worse if I am under stress and I will even notice my self holding my teeth in that position during the daytime. Not good. Can anyone say tension headaches? My most recent nightguard I ended up breaking I bit down on it so hard!

Anyway, I guess the best days are the days where I wake up after a great sleep and my jaw is nice and relaxed and I am ready to face the day. I hope as time goes by that these will become the norm and all of the sleepless, tooth-grinding nights will be behind me!


M&Co. said...

The older I get, the more elusive sleep (or I guess the ease with which sleep comes and stays) gets.


The Brave said...

I too have found that my mind blocks out sirens, but I will wake up when then power goes off and the house hum is abruptly silenced.

paisley said...

i have never been a grinder,, but i have had friends who are... it amazes me... very interesting post....

Forgetfulone said...

I'm pretty sure I grind my teeth, but it's such an unconscious habit. My dentist says that's the only excuse for some of my dental issues.

Lilibeth said...

When the children were young I missed my sound sleep to tend them. Now I wake every few minutes until I know my two college students are home safe and sound or at least back at the dorm instead of on the fourth floor of the art building in the studio all alone or out shopping at midnight..Once I know they are safe, I can sleep.
"Don't worry, they say airily, "We're fine. Just go on to sleep."
Why can't they get it?

Tumblewords: said...

Nice post! I may be a grinder and, for sure, a spasmodic sleeper. Interesting post!

Devil Mood said...

Our sleeping patterns and habits can be hilarious, I'm realizing now :)

fast asleep at a wedding. On the stage. With the band behind me. With my tongue hanging out. That cracked me up completely! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I wake up when the house goes completely silent. Like in a power cut. Otherwise, no!

snooze time, baby!

DJPare said...

You must really love your husband. :)

Sleep is often elusive to me as well...
