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Friday, June 09, 2006

Tandin' Up!

I know you've been waiting for it, so here it is: Here is Hayden standing himself up at the bottom of the stairs. Notice his nice ballerina pose with the left foot! So, it's going to take him some time to get all of it worked out! And here he is standing himself up in the crib with his brace on. He can actually do this one faster because he has better support for his feet, I suppose.

Some things he has been doing lately include:

blowing kisses
throwing a ball
shakes his finger "no no no"
plays with the fridge magnets
flattens himself onto his belly to look for something that has gone under the couch
sings into the toy echoing microphone

And all of you who thought he doesn't have a temper? Well, have a look at this. And this! Cracks me up big time, when it isn't irritating me. He is somewhat prone to dramatics, and will bow his head to the ground as he bawls. I think he may end up in film.

He has also mastered the beer bottle grip:

Apparently it's genetic!

Everything else here is going along just fine. It has taken me FIVE DAYS to recover from my workout on Monday. That kind of intensity I can work towards, thankyouverymuch. But I have continued to restrict my eating in terms of white foods: white sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice, etc. And the cool thing is that when I looked in the mirror today and sucked in my stomach, I noticed the slightest difference in appearance. As well, my buttocks are not jiggling quite as enthusiastically when I have to break into a light jog to chase my son. That feels good and makes me want to keep going. I also invested in a Pilates DVD and some small rubber balls to help me with exercises that require me being on my wrists. Haven't tried them yet but will provide a report ASAP.

Oh and I almost forgot....Hayden is a water-baby as it turns out. I took him and his sister to the water park around the corner from our place with a friend and her little daughter this week. The girls embraced the water heartily. Hayden observed the happenings for a bit and then crawled right onto the pavement and sat himself in the little rivulet that runs around the waterpark and splashed and splashed. He was having the time of his life and I had to chase after him a few times as he headed for the fountains. No way was I getting wet!

Anyway, no major plans for the weekend - hopefully just rest and relaxation.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey! Love your blog! Did you not know Hayden would have clubfeet before he was born? My son was born in August with bilateral clubfeet, but we were lucky enough to find out at my 20-wk ultrasound, so we picked our dr. early and everything. I've got his whole 'foot story' on his website...
btw - hayden's feet look great in the standing-stair video!!!
